Sunday, April 17, 2011

Grad Show Booth done!

 Today I went over to the Harbour Centre to set up my grad show booth and it went extremely well (except for one deep paper cut)! I recommend that for any sort of mounting of a grid on a booth – save yourself some work and cut yourself some measurement guides out of foam core and then label them. For example I had a few pieces cut that measured 4 inches wide, another for my gutters at .5 inches, and another 5 inches wide to measure my distance to the corner of the booth. A genius idea that saved me the trouble of measuring and calculating (and oddly enough, something my instructor Milo wanted to keep afterwards! I should really start patenting these ideas). It was a beautiful morning. I guess a great day for the Sun Run as well. I will miss living on the North Shore but I'm looking forward to new career opportunities and a new place to live as well! Off to bigger and better things I hope :D 

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