Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bright and Early

Good morning followers. As I sit here at my imac waiting for my dropbox folder to sync up, I thought I would take the opportunity to post a blog. Though forgive me if it's not that captivating... I'm not a morning person :S

First off I'd like to thank the lovely tenants upstairs that decided to skip out on rent a few months ago. It has been sublime since you've left. I've actually managed to sleep and get work done without your incessant techno parties and world of warcraft web chats. And the fact that this has had no impact on the amount of rent I pay – sincerest thanks! And while I'm at it, I'd like to thank all those friends who have stuck by me through 3 years of being a social hermit. It has all led up to this moment... well almost this moment. Certainly not this early Wednesday morning, I'm talking about this.

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