Monday, May 23, 2011

Handling rejection

Undoubtedly you will receive rejection somewhere along the way on your career path. It's one of those things that is unavoidable in this sort of the business. Just like actors don't land every role in auditions, us illustrators are likely to be passed over for someone else. Today I opened my email to find this:

Hi Vivian~

Thank you for sending us a sampling of your art style and the link to your website. I spent some time browsing through your site. Though you are a very talented illustrator, your flat ‘illustrative’ style of the card sample and the things I saw on your website, is not a fit for our company.

We wish you the best of luck with your creativeness! It looks like you have a lot of fun.
Take care~

I have to admit, as far as rejections go – I think this is the nicest one I received!
The trick to any sort of rejection, is not to let these sort of things get you down. Your illustration style isn't going to be a perfect fit for every company/ job opening. Stay true to your style (and yourself) and see what other opportunities are out there!

And the search continues...

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