Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Take advantage of sunshine

View from the Iron Workers Memorial Bridge.
Copyright 2011. Vivian Gerber Creatives

I once heard somewhere that it's a good idea to change your clothes after you get home from work. The thinking behind this advice is that your mind-frame changes once you're out of your work clothes and then you can finally relax. Oddly enough this random fact has stuck with me. Which brings up an interesting dilemma when you're doing freelance work... but as most artists will tell you: they eat, live, and breathe art – so separating themselves from work isn't actually an issue. But I think even if you are working in an office, or at school (like I am currently) it's important to take some downtime to clear your head. Take today for example: after two lectures this morning about business practices I had a 2 hour window for lunch. Instead of sitting in front of my iMac, I opted to go out in the sunshine and take a walk around the cemetery (no judgments please... it's actually quite peaceful with a view of the mountains... in case you were wondering) and the equestrian center. Even though you're not being productive at this moment doesn't mean that you won't be later on. Sometimes the best thing to do is to take a break. So wherever you are at this moment, take a moment to glance out a window, or leave your computer for a bit and take a walk around. You never know when and where inspiration will strike... sometimes when you least expect it.

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