Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sunshine on my window makes me happy

I feel like I am a solar powered illustrator. There has to be such a thing right? Or perhaps I'm the first. I feel energized and motivated to get work done when the sun is shining, but when it's cloudy out - beware! Well it's not that I turn into a werewolf or anything when the sun goes down. I guess the sunshine just fits in with my idea of the ideal work day: hot cup of coffee in hand, tunes cranked, and the sunshine flooding in through the windows. Perhaps I will need to invest in some UV lights for my work space or buy some minutes for a tanning bed - though I'm kind of opposed to the orange type of people that seem to emerge from those things (they should really come with a warning that you may be transformed into one of the characters from Jersey Shore... or so I hear – I've never actually watched that show).
It was sunny this morning so I managed to tweak my website a bit more and format this blog to match the same aesthetics... and now? Now it's cloudy... so instead of starting sketching my next illustration here I am writing another blog. Fingers crossed for some sun rays to peak through the clouds.

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