Take a look at craigslist and you'll find a lot of opportunities to display your artwork. Pretty amazing stuff! But don't be fooled, if it looks too good to be true make sure you read the fine print. Many establishments will gladly provide you with the wall space and in exchange they can "rent" your work for free. Wait a minute... that doesn't sound right... but okay, in the name of getting your name out there (ha!) and reaching a larger audience, you'll take what you can get right? Sure, nothing wrong there. This is where red flags should go up (even if your friend/classmate/fellow artist recommends it): they want to charge you for a one time hanging fee of $$$, and yet when you go to pick up the artwork at the end of the show, there are mysterious extra fees that also pop up. Now this is just a huge red flag waving just inches... INCHES from your face. So, if like me, you've managed to find yourself in this sort of predicament, hold your ground. You can't let people walk all over you just because you are the talent. But after a few weeks of slow business, you may be tempted to walk back into this realm where artists seem to get short changed. Just don't forget to pack your ruby red slippers (you never know when you'll need to drop a house on someone... metaphorically of course!). So happy hunting out there :)
Now for something a little different....
When I feel I'm in a bit of a freelance slump, it's always good to get my brain working just for the sake of working — and to get those creative juices flowing on a more consistent basis. So here is a fun little ink illustration I did today for a Winsor & Newton Ink Competition. If it doesn't amount to much more than this post, at least I had fun! And hey—sometimes that's what it's all about!
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"Inked" by Vivian Gerber. 2012. Pen&Ink with digital colour. |
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