Saturday, January 14, 2012

Adding some inspiration to your space

After a recent shopping trip, I noticed that a lot of home decor shops carry prints of inspirational quotes. Some were printed on canvas, and others were on wood panel. Although I love the concept of these sort of pieces, I always find them overpriced (for my art budget), and rarely ever in the right colour scheme. So I decided it was time for another home art project.
All you need is a wood panel, some acrylic paint and you are pretty much set! The key with this piece was to maintain simplicity and not to over-think it.  For the base coat I played around with a combination of three colours and blending them as I covered the surface. After this was dry, I used a ruler and tracing paper to make sure my words were straight and even. I also wanted to add a few quirky and "sketchy" birds to the bottom of the panel. I think it turned out well, though perhaps next time I might think about punching up the boldness of the colour just a bit. 

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