Friday, December 9, 2011

Decorating for the Holidays

So if you're like me, decorating for the holidays is part of the holiday tradition... and as a creative soul, I can't help but love this time of year!  But decorating doesn't have to be traditional. Read on to see how you can create a contemporary look this season.

This year at my mom's house we decided to go with a an icy blue Christmas theme. One of the tricks I picked up this year was to bunch ornaments together with wire. This gives your tree/wreath/mantel a bold pop of colour amidst the evergreen and lights. Clustering your ornaments also helps to make your tree look fuller. This method doesn't have to be expensive. Go to your local dollar store and pick up a variety of different sizes in your colour scheme. I normally wire together 3 different ornaments (small, medium, and large). You also want to experiment with combining different "finishes" together: satin, frosted, sparkles etc. A little word of caution though, I managed to break a couple glass balls, so you may be better off with more inexpensive plastic ones. Just be careful, and have fun. Any colour scheme will work, and you'll probably find that a lot of your decorations in storage will compliment your theme. You can never go wrong with white, silver, or crystal pieces. As for your ribbon, we experimented with deco–mesh this year. You can purchase deco–mesh in a wide variety of colours at places such as Potters and Michaels.

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